Thursday, December 24, 2009

Some Secrets to become Thin

You are already trying to become thin but still you are not in agreement with the results. You will be delivering the attacks necessary or simply you are being mistaken in the measures that takings? The solution is in stopping eating neither in taking slimming tablets nor in no of those methods that want to us to sell by television. If you want to know a pair secrets to thin east Lee article.
In the first place you must stop eating before being completely full. By all means that this does not mean that you remain with hunger but that you do not exceed with the food. If you want to know how to stop eating at the suitable moment it enters here.
When you are only eating eats. Ten in account that to eat and to drink is not something that becomes while beams another thing. When you are been relaxing by the work, the traffic or the television is probable that commas in excess. Instead of that quick true attention to which you are eating. Thus you will enjoy foods totally and you will not need to eat more of the account.
Muevete! If you want to get to have the suitable weight you must take an active life. Nothing to remain during hours seated in the armchair. It is not necessary that you go into during hours in the gymnasium but simply you walk the sufficient thing or that you physically stay occupied during the day.
It respects the four meals. One of the reasons by that the French women do not get fat is that they respect the regularity of the meals. Perhaps you can think that to saltarte the meals you trim calories but this the unique thing that causes is that later commas still more.
It only eats when you are hungry. Often we eat taken by the solitude, stress or the boredom. If you try to solve your problems through the food hardly you can become thin. If you eat by boredom buscate a pastime, if it is by stress learns meditation or apuntate to classes of yoga.

  • Friday, December 18, 2009

    Exercising at Home

    On Monday or Tuesday, in general, are days definitely complicated. And let's be honest: when the press agenda it is certain that the first thing is to resign our physical activity, but if the day is over and you could not go to the gym, not a bad idea to practice your home to compensate.
    The choices available to exercise at home are many, and even without the infrastructure that has a gym do have elements that get by. Today we give you some tips that will surely inspire respect.
    First, if you have a treadmill or bike home, do not hesitate, use them. These two appliances are an excellent substitute for the gym, and are perfect for burning calories at night.
    You can do some stretching exercises and some yoga asanas, which enables you to relax your body and do what the rest. You'll sleep better, and incidentally you will undo the stress of a day so complicated.
    You do not need weights or sophisticated devices for exercising the muscles of your body. Just do some crunches, push-ups and squats to exercise various parts of your body. Do not push it over the line making 800 sets of each exercise you do not forget to get up early tomorrow!

  • Cholesterol: Risk Factors

    The cholesterol is a waxy substance your body uses to protect nerves and make cell tissues. Most cholesterol is produced by our liver. The rest comes from certain foods such as dairy products, eggs and meat. The body needs some cholesterol to function properly. However, too much increases the risk of developing heart disease. There are several factors contributing to raise cholesterol. Some are controllable, while others are not.
    Among the factors of risk is not controllable your sex. After menopause, women increases their cholesterol "bad" and therefore their risk of heart disease. Also influenced by age. The risk increases as people age. Men over age 45 and women over 55 have a risk of having higher cholesterol high.
    Family history also plays a role. Your risk will increase if your father or brother has been affected by heart disease at an early age (before 55) or your mother or sister has been affected by heart disease at an early age (before 65).
    Among the factors to risk a major controllable via diet. Remember that saturated fats from the foods you eat increase your total cholesterol "bad." Being overweight is another source of risk. Rise may cause your cholesterol "bad" and decrease "good". Finally, physical activity is one of the best ways to reduce cholesterol "bad" and to increase cholesterol "good". In addition, it also helps you lose weight.