This year with the appearance of the virus of Influenza AH1N1 the influenza was in mouth of all. Luckily the psychosis happened enough, and now the things are returning to normality. Here we have some advice to prevent the influenza; do not go to bed and carry out a healthy life style.
At this point we have the recent results of an investigation of the University of the State of Iowa, where a group of experts has analyzed the levels of health and the activity of the immune system of a group of mice divided in two, in which half realized physical activity whereas the other remained inactive.
Studying the mice, the investigators verified that the mice that regularly exercised themselves underwent a greater resistance to the symptoms of the influenza that the others.
Published in the magazine of Infectious Diseases, the results suggest the exercise can play a key role in the prevention of the influenza, and although the investigation has been carried out in mice, the investigators also rationalize this data for the human beings.
Remember! Physical exercise helps to strengthen your immune system against viral diseases.